
Deachman: Non-profits in Ottawa desperately need drivers. So I volunteered The Cherokee pilot, the party guest and the blind man who saw ghosts: My day as a volunteer driver unlocked some great Ottawa stories. Bruce Deachman Published Feb 03, 2025  • 6 minute read Anthony Goodison was telling me about the ghosts he’d encountered, before glaucoma robbed him of his eyesight. “Oh, yes, several times,” the nearly 82-year-old Britannia resident said. As a youngster growing up in Jamaica, he spent summers at his grandparents’ home in the countryside. That’s where he first met the ghosts. “Different ghosts?” I asked. “More than one?”…
Live Local Giving Spree: Local charities that need your support this holiday season By Published: December 17, 2024 at 5:29PM EST It's the season of giving and there are many local charities doing everything they can to help people in Ottawa this Christmas. CTV News Ottawa has spoken to several organizations in need of donations. Olde Forge Community Resource Centre The Olde Forge Community Resource Centre is a non-profit, charitable organization that serves seniors and adults with physical disabilities living in the west end of Ottawa. The Olde Forge provides other services for the greater Ottawa area, such as a weekly…
OTTAWA, March 27, 2023 – The Olde Forge Community Resource Centre will start cutting service to isolated seniors and persons with disabilities starting this April, as a result of provincial underfunding, said Colleen Taylor, Executive Director of the Olde Forge: “The recent provincial budget did not address our concerns over chronic underfunding by the Province in this sector, and we have no choice but now to start cutting programs.” Ninetyfive patients in dementia day programs as well as drives to medical appointments will be affected. Ottawa’s Olde Forge Community Resource Centre, a non-profit agency that has served the community in…
Des milliers de personnes vulnérables {âgées et handicapées} risquent de perdre des services lorsque les fournisseurs de soutien communautaire commencent à réduire leurs programmes à partir d’avril en raison de sous-financement de la part du gouvernement provincial. Le centre de ressources communautaires Olde Forge à Ottawa, un des agences de service de soutien communautaire,annoncera les coupes aux services de santé communautaires à partir du mois prochain comme le gouvernement a restreint le financement de 2023. A l’exception d’une augmentation de 3.5% cette année, les agences survivent aux niveaux de 2012. Colleen Taylor, la directrice exécutive de Olde Forge CRC maintient…
Thousands of vulnerable individuals (seniors & disabled persons) will be at risk of losing services when community support providers start cutting back on programs beginning in April, as a result of Provincial Government underfunding. Ottawa’s Olde Forge Community Resource Centre, one of 22 community support service agencies in Ottawa, will be announcing cuts to community healthcare services starting next month, as the Government of Ontario has restricted 2023 funding. Save for a 3.5% increase this year, these agencies are surviving on 2012 levels, says Olde Forge CRC Executive Director Colleen Taylor: “Keeping our funding to 2012 levels doesn’t take into…
Your Story. Our Care. Shares Raw Stories of Those Thriving at Home with the Support of Olde Forge Community Resource Centre and Rural Ottawa South Support Services Today, the Olde Forge Community Resource Centre (Olde Forge) and Rural Ottawa South Support Services (ROSSS) launched Your Story. Our Care. which was supported by the $45,800 Resilient Communities Fund grant received from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The awareness campaign will spotlight seniors and adults with disabilities within the community who are thriving at home with the help of these two local non-profit organizations. "I am pleased to know that the Olde…